Selayang Pandang Pangandaran

Selayang Pandang Pangandaran

Tahun 2006 mengubah banyak hal bagi warga Pangandaran. Bencana gempa yang disusul gelombang tsunami menihilkan apa yang telah dimiliki dan dibangun. Namun hidup terus berlanjut. Pangandaran telah lama tersohor sebagai daerah tujuan wisata dan masih demikian. Itu semua berkat beberapa hal yang tetap tak berubah, pantai dan laut. Dua hal ini masih menjadi sektor utama penggerak ekonomi bagi sebagian besar masyarakatnya.

Bekakak, A (More Than) Tradition Far Beyond The Time. (Terus Lestari Tak Sekedar Tradisi)

Bekakak, A (More Than) Tradition Far Beyond The Time. (Terus Lestari Tak Sekedar Tradisi)

Once upon a time in Ambarketawang, Gamping, Sleman around 1755 Ki Wirosuto and his wife which were a royal servant at Yogyakarta Palace and also limestone miner died in an accident while working in the mine. The tragedy sadly took place for several times further. In the past many locals took a living as miners since the area was a landscape of limestone (gamping). The king Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, who resided in Ambarketawang while waiting the completion of his palace, soon ordered to peform a ritual to avoid the grief continues.  A procession called Saparan Bekakak held annually every Sapar month in javanese calendar or also called Safar in islamic calendar.

Meretas Konflik Melalui Seni di Biennale Jogja

Meretas Konflik Melalui Seni di Biennale Jogja

“Mengingatkan saja, sih. Orang yang merestuinya jadi capres adalah orang yang sama yang dulu memutuskan duet dengan yang kalian sebut penjahat hak asasi manusia”

Begitu rangkaian kata yang tertulis di sebuah lukisan besar karya Arwin Hidayat yang terpajang di salah satu ruang pamer. Lukisan itu menggambarkan sosok pria memegang bunga yang dengan mudah ditebak adalah perwujudan presiden Indonesia saat ini. Masih di ruang yang sama, beberapa orang nampak khusyuk membaca buku yang berisi kumpulan ekspresi media sosial sang empunya tulisan pada lukisan tadi, Puthut EA, yang terkenal sebagai orang penting dibalik situs

When The Bajingan Raise A Joy (Ketika Bajingan Melecut Kegembiraan)

The road was jammed by the parade. They were in big number and moved slowly. The narrow road became more narrow. Yet somehow many riders were willing to step aside joined with the locals and enjoy the parade especially the kids who looked so excited. “Bajingan..!! Bajingan..!!”, some shouted. Instead anger, the abuse word was in the air in happy mood. Bajingan in Indonesia refers to bastard, jerk, asshole, etc. Even some of the photographers found them self into the ditch for the sake of good angle. What a blessed bajingan.

Nyongkolan, Time To Have Some Fun (Saatnya Bergembira)

Suddenly the bus ran slowly. What’s going on out there? Through the window I saw a parade with pretty loud music. While people lined up at the side of the road watching the parade. Even some riders were willing to step aside to watch. Phone and camera were everywhere. From their faces I’m sure it’s a joyful moment. While the  passengers could only watch it enthusiastically from inside the bus. Shortly the bus stopped. Then the driver let the passengers to come out to join the show. Thank God he knew what we want. “Fifteen minutes, okey”, he shouted when we jump out the bus.

Toraja, Life For A Luxurious Death (Hidup Untuk Mewahnya Kematian)

Night was about leaving us. Our car finally took us to final stop for that day. It was very hard for me leaving my seat because I was very exhausted due to our long journey. It was a non-stop trip which spent 4 hours air travel from Jakarta to Makassar, 10 hours Makassar-Rantepao journey via bus, then 45 minutes via car from Rantepao to Nanggala.The last spirit left emerged from lights that was shining from the building of which structures has obsessed my mind all day long. Before long, we officially hopped on in the location where I could enjoy the beauty of Tongkonan, traditional house of Toraja, completed with two sharp and pointed ends. Its beauty was totally successful in spoiling my eyes. My tiredness suddenly disappeared and turned into a blow of spirit which led me to get so excited and curious on things I would get on the next day.