Demi Jalan Sunyi Si Istimewa

Demi Jalan Sunyi Si Istimewa

Tengah siang baru saja lewat saat Citra Dewi Kasyanti tengah memakaikan sepatu pada sang buah hati, Rizki Charlie. Itu bukan sepatu biasa melainkan sepatu yang dirancang khusus untuk menopang kaki. Rizki baru saja mengalami hari yang melelahkan sedari pagi. Selama beberapa jam bocah 5 tahun tersebut harus menjalani beberapa terapi untuk melatih kemampuan fisiknya. Kebetulan hari ini ia mendapatkan sesi Terapi Okupasi. Rizki adalah salah satu pasien Griya Bunda Novy, sebuah klinik fisioterapi bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berada di Yogyakarta.

A Learning From Toys At Under The Stairs ( Belajar Melalui Mainan di Museum Kolong Tangga )

It’s not easy to find the place despite located in center of the city. Lack of information and phisically attached to the Yogyakarta’s Cultural Center (Taman Budaya Yogyakarta / TBY) building which has longer history cause it less known obviously. Museum Anak Kolong Tangga (‘The Under The Stairs’ museum) as the name implies, it is situated under the stairs of an auditorium. Relatively small, more like a warehouse than a museum. Not a good start. But a turning point in sight. The front face is like a waving hand. It invites anyone to come closer. Colorful paintings distingushes it among the white wall. Like a kid who don’t want to give up easily to attract the attention of the adults around him just to let them know he is there.