The Down Syndrome Diary (Jalan Panjang Si Istimewa)

The Down Syndrome Diary (Jalan Panjang Si Istimewa)

The genetic disorder found by Dr. John Langdon Down in 1866 for moms is like a knocked out hit. This thunderstorm in the sunny day happened to an Indonesian Triana Puji Astuti, or Nana, as she gave birth to Naura Elvira Putri in November 2013. The heartbreaking news stroke her just a week later as the doctor said her second daughter carrying Down Syndrome. There are several conditions leads to a high risk of the abnormality one of which is women who in labor at early or later age. Nana had the event by the age of 42. Indonesia alone in 2010 according to Ministry of Social Affairs had around 7 million disabled people and 300,000 of them is living with Down Syndrome.

Bandung Street Fighter (Pejuang Jalanan Bandung)

Bandung Street Fighter (Pejuang Jalanan Bandung)

Bandung, the West Java capital is a communal area and popular destination at a  time. It has hectic street just like other big cities. Almost no time for calmness. Hard, dusty and noisy. It is a melting pot which leads to high risk of conflict. Yet it offers living for those who made a try, the strong who dear to face the risk of working on the street. Messy weather and the ruthlessness of street are classic problem that always set to say hello at the most unexpected times. Street is no place for the faint-hearted. Here are some of the Bandung street fighters

Kelom Lentik Nan Menarik

Kelom Lentik Nan Menarik

Tangannya tampak terampil meliuk-liukkan canting di atas alas kaki berbahan kayu. Ardian, pemuda lokal Tasikmalaya itu sedang melukis pola di atas kelom, alas kaki berbahan kayu, kerajinan andalan kota asalnya tersebut. Sedangkan di sudut ruangan yang lain beberapa temannya sedang mengerjakan tanggung jawabnya masing-masing. Ada yang memotong alas kelom sementara yang lain menggambar pola menggunakan semprotan. Tak lama beberapa pasang alas kaki kayu ini telah berubah menjadi cantik dan siap menjalan proses berikutnya.

Selayang Pandang Pangandaran

Selayang Pandang Pangandaran

Tahun 2006 mengubah banyak hal bagi warga Pangandaran. Bencana gempa yang disusul gelombang tsunami menihilkan apa yang telah dimiliki dan dibangun. Namun hidup terus berlanjut. Pangandaran telah lama tersohor sebagai daerah tujuan wisata dan masih demikian. Itu semua berkat beberapa hal yang tetap tak berubah, pantai dan laut. Dua hal ini masih menjadi sektor utama penggerak ekonomi bagi sebagian besar masyarakatnya.

The Daredevil’s Diary (Secuplik Kisah Penunggang Maut)

The Daredevil’s Diary (Secuplik Kisah Penunggang Maut)

The roar was deafening. The smell of gasoline filled the air. Some of the spectators cover their ears and noses, while looking downward. Meanwhile Eko Purwanto, Jumari and Maulana Putut Kuncoro prepare themselves at the bottom of the barrel. Eko and Ari were set with their RX King. The motors has amputated mufflers and no brakes. Both starting at the center base, they ride the bikes circling a barrel-shaped wooden cylinder with size 6.5 meters of height and 5 meters of diameter. Slowly they ascend closer to rim and swiftly grab the saweran (stage tips) waved by the crowd.

Bekakak, A (More Than) Tradition Far Beyond The Time. (Terus Lestari Tak Sekedar Tradisi)

Bekakak, A (More Than) Tradition Far Beyond The Time. (Terus Lestari Tak Sekedar Tradisi)

Once upon a time in Ambarketawang, Gamping, Sleman around 1755 Ki Wirosuto and his wife which were a royal servant at Yogyakarta Palace and also limestone miner died in an accident while working in the mine. The tragedy sadly took place for several times further. In the past many locals took a living as miners since the area was a landscape of limestone (gamping). The king Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, who resided in Ambarketawang while waiting the completion of his palace, soon ordered to peform a ritual to avoid the grief continues.  A procession called Saparan Bekakak held annually every Sapar month in javanese calendar or also called Safar in islamic calendar.