Tag: sulawesi
Imaji Wakatobi Yang Tak Melulu Bahari (bag.2)
Merupakan lanjutan dari bagian pertama yang mengupas tentang Binongko dan Tomia. Di sesi ke dua ini membahas tentang Kaledupa dan Wangi-Wangi.
Imaji Wakatobi Yang Tak Melulu Bahari (bag.1)
Wakatobi terlalu lama bersandar pada bahari. Sementara daratannya yang penuh pesona masih menunggu untuk dijamah. Akankah sang pionir wisata laut berubah?
Tedong, When Diginity and Livelihood Work Together (Sebuah Mutualisme Antara Kemuliaan dan Penghidupan)
By truck, that morning Frederik took twenty kilometers away from Makale bring three tedongs. One of them is tedong bonga or albino (striped) buffalo. He expects a fortunes of the ongoing bull market in Bolu Traditional Market, Rantepao, North Toraja. Frederik was not alone. Dozens buffalo sellers gathered in the same place, the biggest buffalo market in Indonesia.
Toraja, Life For A Luxurious Death (Hidup Untuk Mewahnya Kematian)
Night was about leaving us. Our car finally took us to final stop for that day. It was very hard for me leaving my seat because I was very exhausted due to our long journey. It was a non-stop trip which spent 4 hours air travel from Jakarta to Makassar, 10 hours Makassar-Rantepao journey via bus, then 45 minutes via car from Rantepao to Nanggala.The last spirit left emerged from lights that was shining from the building of which structures has obsessed my mind all day long. Before long, we officially hopped on in the location where I could enjoy the beauty of Tongkonan, traditional house of Toraja, completed with two sharp and pointed ends. Its beauty was totally successful in spoiling my eyes. My tiredness suddenly disappeared and turned into a blow of spirit which led me to get so excited and curious on things I would get on the next day.