hong prayoga niro….(rahayu)
sang hyang geni seko wetan…(rahayu)
putih warnane geni…(rahayu)
opo pakertine geni…(rahayu)
anglebur roro rogo roro wiguno…(rahayu)
mari berjalan, melihat & mendengarkan
hong prayoga niro….(rahayu)
sang hyang geni seko wetan…(rahayu)
putih warnane geni…(rahayu)
opo pakertine geni…(rahayu)
anglebur roro rogo roro wiguno…(rahayu)
Once upon a time in Ambarketawang, Gamping, Sleman around 1755 Ki Wirosuto and his wife which were a royal servant at Yogyakarta Palace and also limestone miner died in an accident while working in the mine. The tragedy sadly took place for several times further. In the past many locals took a living as miners since the area was a landscape of limestone (gamping). The king Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, who resided in Ambarketawang while waiting the completion of his palace, soon ordered to peform a ritual to avoid the grief continues. A procession called Saparan Bekakak held annually every Sapar month in javanese calendar or also called Safar in islamic calendar.