Bernama asli Masjid Jamaah Shalahuddin, namun ia lebih dikenal dengan Masjid Kampus (Maskam) UGM, merujuk pada lokasinya yang berada di tengah-tengah kompleks Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Ia dibangun dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun ke 50 institusi pendidikan tinggi tersebut yang jatuh pada tahun 1999. Tempat ibadah ini sendiri mulai dibangun pada 21 Mei 1998, tepat ketika Presiden Soeharto turun dari jabatannya setelah mendapatkan tekanan hebat dari dalam negeri atas krisis yang melanda Indonesia.
Tag: mosque
The Corners of The Independence (Sudut-Sudut Kemerdekaan)
One of the icons of the city of Jakarta and the largest mosque in South East Asia both in structure and capacity at the same time. Stands out with its 45 meters diameter dome, supported by 12 huge columns, has 4 levels of balcony, the mosque able to accomodate congregation up to 120.000 people. Designed in 1954 by a christian architect from North Sumatra, Frederich Silaban, and innagurated in 1978. Istiqlal itself is located right across the Cathedral Church. Istiqlal meaning “independence” is a reminder of Indonesia’s struggle for national independence as well as a symbol of religious tolerance.